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Donerail: Destiny and Dishonor [Album Review]


Donerail is an intriguing group of fellas, no matter from what angle of the music world you decide to look at them. Their classic roots are embedded on their sophomore release Destiny and Dishonor. But all the indie brands and typecasting are clear and present enough for them to flourish in the night life of their home city of Portland, Oregon. In just one song, these blokes will go from spiritual, to rugged, to loving in only a couple minutes. And unlike many indie acts today, their songs are inspiring and much less destructive than what you might hear regularly. Read More »Donerail: Destiny and Dishonor [Album Review]

The Fenbi International Superstars Visit Seattle


What is a band of Irish/worldly gypsy storytellers to do when they reside in one of most musician filled small cities in the world? Well, you probably need to be creative in your displays of talent. And The Fenbi International Superstars have been doing just that in Portland for some time. Their live shows are unparalleled to the often drowsy and depressing rain-based tunes you are likely to hear on any corner of the home for fugitives and refugees. Unlike your average roselander musicians (though each member is not scared to rep Port Townsend as well), these guys are fun! And many fans would attest to the fact that these worldly artists have conquered their hometown. So what’s next you say? Well, obviously that would have to be the Emerald City. Read More »The Fenbi International Superstars Visit Seattle

Breanna Paletta [Feature Artist]

Breanna Paletta

There can be no doubt that Breanna Paletta can sing your tattered Fedora off your straggly, tortured hair. Her soothing vocals can provide the background to your most comfortable moment in your favorite Starbucks. Portland Oregon may be a haven for fugitives and refugees (thanks Chuck!). But, occasionally you may find a great indie inspired songbird standing on the shoulder of the ultra hip westbound and scary elite. Read More »Breanna Paletta [Feature Artist]

Experimental Dental School: Royal Fantasy Snow [Video]

Experimental Dental School | XDS

As a marketing professional, I am entirely aware that familiarity rarely leads to loyalty. Something else must occur to take it to that next step, but awareness is a key to getting there. I’ve known of Experimental Dental School since their 2½ Creatures release in 2006, but only now am becoming a true fan thanks to this video for “Royal Fantasy Snow” off their new release, Forest Field. Read More »Experimental Dental School: Royal Fantasy Snow [Video]

AristeiA: AristeiA EP [Album Review]


Dear AristeiA,

It’s been too long. I’ve missed you. There’s a laundry list of things I’ve wanted to say but haven’t in the past year. I’ve been busy. Things are good; I just get distracted. I’m sorry I haven’t made it down to Portland to see any of your amazing shows and I’m sorry we haven’t spoken in a while. I’d like to take a moment and rectify that because, despite my being vacant, I do have strong feelings for you. Read More »AristeiA: AristeiA EP [Album Review]

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