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kishi bashi

Kishi Bashi Christmas Flexi Disc

Fense’s Radio Show: It’s An Indie Christmas

Each year I shun Christmas music like it’s the plague. It begins too early, is far too repetitive, and, quite frankly, is a bit boring. That is, until this year. It began with “The Week Between”, a new track off One Christmas at a Time, an LP that finds Jonathan Coulton and John Roderick (The Long Winters) collaborating for a full album of original Christmas music.

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Kishi Bashi: It’s Christmas But It’s Not White Here In Our Town

Kishi Bashi

I just got my copy of Kishi Bashi‘s Christmas Flexi for “It’s Christmas But It’s Not White Here In Our Town” in the mail. Offered up as a limited edition (only 1000 were pressed, and it’s now sold out) 7-inch single from Joyful Noise Recordings, all proceeds benefit charity while the buyer gets a pretty sweet and exclusive Christmas track to enjoy on vinyl in the shape of a snowflake. Pretty cool if you ask me. Read More »Kishi Bashi: It’s Christmas But It’s Not White Here In Our Town

A Dark God Heart by Sleep Party People

15 Must-See Indie Music Videos of 2012

Music videos can be total sensory overload. Not only do you get great audio from bands that have often spent insurmountable time mastering a song they have created, adding to them videos can open a similar avenue with interesting visual storylines and themes. Some have plots, some have twists, and some have neither; others are funny or thought-provoking; all within this list are great in their own right. Check out 15 of my favorite (in no particular order, other than the order they were added to the list) indie music videos of 2012… so far… and let me know what your favorite is, whether it’s on the list or not.

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Fense’s Radio Show: June 29, 2012

El Camino

And like that, half the year is gone. For the doomsdayists, that means less than half a year until it all comes crashing to an end. In light of being prepared, I picked up a new little toy this last week: a beastly, black on black 1979 El Camino. The thing has a 350 V8, gets terrible gas milage but is in great condition. It growls and twists its body when you hit the accelerator. It makes you tingle. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: June 29, 2012

Fense’s Radio Show: June 1, 2012

On Air at KSVR and KSVU

Damn. The Bimmer done broke down. Once it warms up, it refuses to hold an idle. I did some research over at BMW 2002 FAQ and found that it could be one of a number of things: a faulty ignition coil, a fuel mixture issue, the carb needs tuning, the timing is off… the list goes on. So yesterday I took it to the shop to get a once-over. Hopefully the damage to my pocketbook won’t be too extensive. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: June 1, 2012

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