Yesterday we saw my list from 50 to 41. Today, the countdown to my number one album of 2012 continues with Deer Creek Canyon by Sera Cahoone at number 40… but first, a few honorary mentions.
Above is the cassette player I picked up last weekend. I think 2013 will see a large resurgence in the cassette as a novelty ironic item. In particular, don’t be surprised if more labels start selling these and including digital downloads within the cassette packaging.
But first, for future reference, here are links to the rest:
• The Best LPs of 2012 Countdown: 50 to 41
• The Best LPs of 2012 Countdown: 30 to 21
• The Best LPs of 2012 Countdown: 20 to 11
• The Best LPs of 2012 Countdown: 10 to 1
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Honorary Mention: Death Songs by Death Songs
At eight songs, this is a lengthier EP, which is why I originally confused it for an LP. But, together, it comes in at just under 25 minutes.
Formed by Nicholas and Nathan Delffs as a side project to The Shaky Hands, Death Songs creates a unique style of folk-pop that includes partially improvised sets and old-time folk on par with other Northwest locals The Cave Singers. You can hear this easily on “Opillia” below:
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Honorary Mention: The Garden Of Joy And The Well Of Loneliness by Lace Curtains
Where A Date With You by Grape St. didn’t quite match Harlem’s poppy nature found in their Hippies LP, that is not the case with “High Fantasy” and “Bedroom Honesty” off The Garden Of Joy And The Well Of Loneliness. These songs are insanely catchy, full of pop, and still find the muster to drop in heavy doses of garage-psych rock and an oh-so-cool swagger.
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40. Deer Creek Canyon by Sera Cahoone
Perhaps most revealing is her song “Naked” which, metaphorically, bears all. To me, Deer Creek Canyon is an album about growing up, pondering life, and getting to know yourself and be alright with who’s looking back at you in the mirror. That may sound a bit cheesy, but having gone through my own transition over the years that’s how I see it.
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39. Algiers by Calexico
There is power here, power that I haven’t heard before. The guitar strum in “Splitter”, the organ in “Sinner In The Sea”, the emotion in the vocals! Algiers gets under my skin in a very good way.
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38. Sweater Girls Were Here by Sweater Girls
This is girl-group pop at its true finest.
It’s playful, bouncy, and insanely lovable.
(They) will have you longing for those early fall days when the cutoffs go back in the closet and snug knit cotton sweaters once again rule the wardrobe.
Yup, that about sums it up.
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37. Meltdown by Mind Spiders
The combination of guitars and synths create a significant hum with an oft drone-like presence capable of tossing the listener into a catatonic hypnosis. The music is a drug. A brilliant, brilliant drug that will leave you begging for more.
Favorites include “You Are Dead”, “On The Radio” and “Skull Eyed”. And, of course, we totally dig their video for “Wait For Us” (watch it below).
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36. Developer by Social Studies
And the star of it all is first single “Terracur”, which became an instant favorite upon first listen. Following the single, Social Studies released “Away For The Weekend”, but my preferences sit with “Western Addition”.
I haven’t spent all too much time with Developer, so come next year, should I do a retrospective, don’t be surprised if Social Studies progresses up a few notches. Stream and/or download an mp3 of “Terracur” below.
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35. The Slideshow Effect by Memoryhouse
Like the EP that came before, The Slideshow Effect is insanely surreal; just listening to the LP, one slips into a calm dream-state. Opening track “Little Expressionless Animals” is an early favorite, especially toward the end when a violin enters to accompany Denise Nouvion’s tonal background vocals and her melodic lyrics that front them, along with the beats composer Evan Abeele adds to keep thing moving forward.
Things pick up beyond that song with “The Kids Were Wrong”, including a faster tempo, a pair of guitars, and a bouncy beat — but the dreaminess also continues. These two opening tracks are telltale for what you’ll hear on The Slideshow Effect.
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34. Melody’s Echo Chamber by Melody’s Echo Chamber
When we covered her video for “I Follow You”, we noted about Melody’s Echo Chamber that the album blends sonic psychedelic fuzz with superb production and dreamy songwriting..
Let’s hope Parker and Prochet continue to collaborate in the future.
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33. Blonde Album by Lightning Love
Though both the above statements were made about individual songs, they do hold true for the album as a whole.
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32. Muscle For The Wing by The Maldives
Muscle For The Wing is an album I’d share with my parents, who dig artists like James Taylor and Eagles. While The Maldives differ greatly from both, they do create a classic sound on Muscle For The Wing that lends itself to the comparison. You could also lump them together with contemporary indie-folk artists from the Northwest such as The Cave Singers and Sera Cahoone.
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