I’ve been crushing on Gap Dream‘s self-titled LP quite a bit of late. You can read about it here and here. So I figured it was time to bust out my question-writing skills and grill main Gap Dream man Gabriel Fulvimar. The following interview is the result.
FP: So it was just announced that Gap Dream will release a 7″ single on Suicide Squeeze Records this fall — this must be exciting! Has there been any talk about a follow up to your debut LP?
GD: Ummm. Not really. I’m working on it now. Just kinda demoing it really. I haven’t decided if I’m gonna do it in a studio or if I’m just gonna do it myself like last time. It should be out late next summer or maybe earlier. I dunno.
FP: Check out the tune below!
FP: I must say I really enjoy your self-titled LP. It leaves me with a quandary by bringing out my indecisive nature: I have a very hard time choosing a favorite, and when I do it changes almost instantly. As an artist, do you find yourself with a favorite song? How does that work from the songwriter standpoint?
GD: Yeah, that happens all the time. Like when I make a song and it’s done like for the next 24 hours that’s all I’ll listen to. It’s like when you create something you get so stoked so you wanna get as much out of it as you can while it’s new and fresh. Then I usually make another song and kind of forget about that one.
FP: Has there been any single song (or two or three songs) fans have pointed to as a favorite? If so what have been the favs?
GD: Yeah, people like 58th St. Fingers a lot. My Other Man too but I don’t like to play that one live at all since it just doesn’t translate well. One time I had a dude screaming at me to play Scary Dennis like during the set.
FP: Stream “58th St. Fingers” below:
FP: I’ve seen your music be classified as everything from psychedelic to garage, and most things in-between. In general, from where do you draw your songwriting inspiration?
GD: Well, I made a record that was full of songs that I wanted to hear. I draw inspiration from everything really. Other bands, movies, the way the weather feels, my dog. anything really.
FP: Have you always been drawn to psychedelic music? (Here’s where I insert the inevitable…) Sub question: who would you consider some of your top influences?
GD: Yeah, I always have. But it really kind of jumped off when I moved back to Ohio from NY a few years ago and my friend Greg got me stoked on a bunch of shit. He’s the reason I found Burger, he’s really good about getting me into stuff.
FP: I’m interested in the story behind “My Other Man” — is there one?
GD: Ummmmm. yeah. it’s really kind of personal though.
FP: Listen to “My Other Man” below:
FP: It’s funny; my fiance (who’s name is also Andi) and I watched a video on YouTube featuring 60s-era dancing around interestingly decorated appliances and less than a week later I discovered your video for “Go Ahead”, which featured the same footage. I gotta ask: what’s with the meat?
GD: Haha. That’s crazy you guys have the same name. Um Mike Cullen made that video for me. You’d have to ask him. he was originally gonna do one for My Other Man and he had all this work done but his laptop ate shit. He did Go Ahead instead which turned out cool.
FP: Here’s the original video (jump a little past half way for the dancing):
And here’s “Go Ahead” by Gap Dream:
FP: Gap Dream was released on Burger Records. Burgers are one of my favorite foods (tied with pizza… typical American, huh!?). Surprisingly enough, I’m also a bit of a foodie. What’s your favorite meal?
GD: I like Pho a lot. Vietnamese food is my absolute fave. then maybe Indian, Thai. I love Burgers though. Pizza’s ok it’s not my jam.
FP: I hear you are planning to “Move out West” in the near future. Being from Cleveland, that leaves a lot for interpretation. So what’s the plan?
GD: Well, I moved up to Cleveland to get out of Akron. I’ve been trying to get out of Ohio for a few years now and have one failed attempt under my belt. Really, I want to be around Burger and it just seems right to be out there.
FP: What else are you up to these days? Anything exciting?
GD: Getting ready for tour! That’s gonna be exciting!
FP: Keep an eye out for Gap Dream, on tour soon. “Like” the band on Facebook to keep posted on upcoming tour dates.
And order the “Generator” single before it sells out (we already pre-ordered our copy of the 7″ on lavender vinyl). Grab it now from Suicide Squeeze!
A big Thank You to Gap Dream’s Gabriel Fulvimar for taking the time to be interviewed. We dig what you’re doing, man! Keep it up!