Another variety show, no particular theme. It was set to be a sunny weekend, and that meant hitting the road. After a late Friday night at the station, I woke up early, grabbed my bike and went on a solid 10 mile ride. It was the first of the sort for 2012; the first of many. I need to get in shape for the 200 mile Seattle to Portland ride in July.
Just about half way, I paused to snap the shot above. The Skagit Valley is known for its tulip fields, and while these weren’t tulips, it was the first field of flowers I’ve seen this year.
On with Friday’s playlist. Click the bold links to hear and sample tracks.
“It Gets Me Every Time” by Peter Bjorn & John off Falling Out
“Everything All At Once” by Spoon off Girls Can Tell
“The Great Salt Lake” by Band Of Horses off Everything All The Time
“Travelin’ Man” by Still Flyin’ off On A Bedroom Wall
“By The Sea” by Summer Fiction off By The Sea (Single)
“Between The Lines” by Sambassadeur off Sambassadeur
“Teach Me Sweetheart” by The Fiery Furnaces off Bitter Tea
“Cherry Trees” by No Kids off Cherry Tree (David Hortwitz Picture Disc)
“Scissor Paper Rock” by Architecture In Helsinki off Fingers Crossed
“She Lives In A Secret Town” by Norwegian Arms off Trimmings Of Hides
“Lifted” by Nat Baldwin off People Changes
“Sunlight” by Tune-Yards off Bird-Brains
“In Sunless Seas” by Vells off Vells EP
“I’m Not Afraid To Wait For You” by Two Bicycles off I’m Not Afraid To Wait For You (Single)
“A Dark God Heart” by Sleep Party People off We Were Drifting On A Sad Song
“Louis The Bear” by Fishboy off HHTBM Singles Club 7″
“Happy Happy” by The Lovekevins off Blame The English 7″
“(Things You Do) Before You Leave Me” by Aujourd’Hui Madame off El Americano EP
“Horizon” by The Bats off At The National Grid
“1st String Teenage High” by Tullycraft off The Singles
“You’re It, I Quit” by Patience Please off Fleeting Frequencies
“Deli Dream” by Sourpatch off Mira Mija EP
“As Times Change” by Sea Lions off Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sea Lions But Were Afraid To Ask
“On Fire” by The Novel Ideas off Summer Demos EP
“Even Decklin” by Helvetia off Camp Century Sessions
“Wait For Us” by Mind Spiders off Meltdown
“Sunshine / Pretty Girls” by Unnatural Helpers off Cracked Love & Other Drugs