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Strength Live at Elkfest 2011


The stars seemed to align in the 120 year old neighborhood of Brownes Addition in the fair city of Spokane. We had downright miserable weather just a few days prior, but with the 5th Annual Elkfest well underway, it was bright, shining, and thunderous with activity as the big night came upon the thousands of locals who would flock to the neighborhood known for it’s classic homes turned into kitchenette apartments and friendly bungalows. Read More »Strength Live at Elkfest 2011

Jared Mees & The Grown Children: Only Good Thoughts Can Stay (Album Review)


The merry men (and woman) are back! Jared Mees & The Grown Children somehow found time between touring the nation at an astonishing pace to record their fantastic new album, Only Good Thoughts Can Stay. It’s been almost three years since Jared and the gang shook the world with their acclaimed release Caffeine, Alcohol, Sunshine, Money and they seem to have calmed a bit since. Their personalized brand of frenzied folk music has been shifted down a few RPM’s to create a less hectic sound. But, somehow, nothing is lost; a feat that should come as no surprise to the loyal fans who would follow Jared to Jonestown should he ask! Read More »Jared Mees & The Grown Children: Only Good Thoughts Can Stay (Album Review)

Typhoon: Summer Home MP3


Early in May, the girlfriend and I drove out to the Pullman/Moscow area in Eastern Washington and Western Idaho. I love this drive, as you see so many distinct types of land, and the weather was near perfect. The reason for this tirade is that we must have listened to “The Honest Truth” by Typhoon about 30 times over that weekend trip. Read More »Typhoon: Summer Home MP3

Alameda: Silver Hands [mp3 Premiere]


Alameda is a new orchestrated folk outfit based in Portland. The band consists of Stirling Myles (guitar/vocals), Jessie Dettwiler (cello) and Jenn Woodall (clarinet). I gave their first LP, Seasons/Spectres, a good listen and it lines up pretty nicely against many of my favorites from 2010: The Head & The Heart, Hey Marseilles, Seabear, The Migrant. Alameda, however, lacks some of the pop traits of their contemporaries for a heavier (and quite refreshing) emphasis on folk. We here at FensePost are just delighted to premiere their new song “Silver Hands”. Read More »Alameda: Silver Hands [mp3 Premiere]

Derby: Madeline [mp3]


Derby has enjoyed a great bit of success since the release of Posters Fade in 2008. Their indie-pop style has been deemed just cool enough to have their single “If Ever There’s A Reason” featured on a couple of Ford Explorer commercials. It is no real surprise that this Portland-based trio has gained a great amount of mass appeal. They are just so damn lovable! Read More »Derby: Madeline [mp3]

W.H. Walker: SUDS! [Album Review]


If there were ever a genre-mashing type of music that absolutely needed to become widespread, it would have to be doo wop punk. And no, this not pointed in the direction of the popular ska scene from the 90’s. For a direct reference, please check out W.H. Walker’s triumphant EP SUDS! Never before has the sounds of the 50’s ever seemed to blend so perfectly with, well, anything! In this case, it meshes brilliantly with new age punk. With a good bit of 70’s Superdome packing choruses and new wave punk hooks, let’s just say that Walker knows all the ingredients to create a real good time. Read More »W.H. Walker: SUDS! [Album Review]

Ezra Holbrook: Save Yourself [Album Review]


Ezra Holbrook has that sensational type of voice that just burns within you and melts away all your despair like the lit end of a Camel cigarette. His harrowing Bazan-like words of power, hopelessness, and the eternal fires of love and disenchantment compliments his illustrious pipes. He is almost everything you might expect to hear in some bar filled with the hopelessly hopeless and desperate souls of his home of the great Portlandia. But Save Yourself proves he is also so much more than just another face concreted on the streets of paradise. Read More »Ezra Holbrook: Save Yourself [Album Review]

Kasey Anderson: The Wrong Light [mp3]


Earlier this month, Portland’s Kasey Anderson dropped another album in our hands. On Heart Of A Dog, he’s backed by his band The Honkies. You can tell right off that Anderson has taken a slightly new path, one capitalizing in blues-oriented rock. He still has those drawl-tinged, country-like vocals, but Heart Of A Dog is heavier and greater in overall scope. “The Wrong Light”, opening track from the new album, screams with wild, bluesy electric guitars wrought with distortion. And Anderson’s vocals, too, seem more confident in their gritty, back-country nature. “The Wrong Light” is cool. Very cool. Anderson knows this, and he flaunts it on “The Wrong Light” in the most tantalizing of ways. Read More »Kasey Anderson: The Wrong Light [mp3]

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