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Brontosaurus: Beware [mp3]


I heard Brontosaurus was a band fans of Black Heart Procession might dig, and after a few listens to their LP Cold Comes to Claim, I’d say that was pretty accurate. The opening track, “Beware” has that epic post rock meets prog rock darkness Black Heart tends to employ, and Brontosaurus make it their own with haunting organs and Califone-style folk vocals. And both Nicholas Kelley and Nicholas Papaleo, the duo behind Brontosaurus, take the lead on those vocals. Read More »Brontosaurus: Beware [mp3]

Implodes: Black Earth [Album Review]


Brutal insanity might be less dark than Black Earth by Implodes. Blending drone with hints of fuzz and immense, everlasting soundscapes, Implodes’ new album is a mysterious, intriguing work of art. It’s one thing to listen to Black Earth through speakers – it only gets better when imbibed through headphones. And I’d place a fair bet on it being something astonishing to take in live. Read More »Implodes: Black Earth [Album Review]

Like Pioneers: Piecemeal [Album Review]


Last week saw the quiet return of a great label, one that we here at FensePost have been following for quite some time. It wasn’t so much a return, rather the branching out away from label head Jon Rooney’s solo project Virgin Of The Birds. And he certainly chose the right artist to mark the label’s first release in quite some time. Like Pioneers boast a slew of artists with a hefty background in creating phenomenal music. Let’s see, there’s Bound Stems, Chin Up Chin Up, Vacations, and The Narrator. While I haven’t spent much time with the latter two, the former are totally legit. Read More »Like Pioneers: Piecemeal [Album Review]

The Streets On Fire: This Is Fancy [Album Review]

The Streets On Fire

It’s time to grit your teeth, suck in your last bit of fresh air, and prepare to have the shit shook out of you through a drastic post-punk explosion. Chicago based band The Streets On Fire know how to have a good time. And their debut full length album This Is Fancy is a prime sample of what it means to be entirely out of control, yet perfectly sane enough to dance the night away to release all tension entirely.

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Secret Colours: Jellybean [mp3]


Secret Colours create classic psych-pop music that has the sound the bands of the 60s and early 70s. Their new self-titled LP is packed with this style and “Jellybean” is a prime example of what makes Secret Colours a more than noteworthy up-and-coming band. Dreamy, melodic vocals front an attack of wild cymbals and echoing guitars that create a wall of sound. There’s a major emphasis on percussion that not only fits but enhances the psych-pop sound; it’s safe to say that without it, Secret Colors would not nearly be as impressive. Still, each part adds significantly to the whole. “Jellybean” is the full realization of the heritage 1960s and early 70s groups bestowed upon our modern era of psychedelic pop music. Read More »Secret Colours: Jellybean [mp3]

White Nights [Feature]


Earlier today (which, if you’re reading this on the day it was published, was actually yesterday), I cranked up Neutral Milk Hotel’s In The Aeroplane Over The Sea for the first time in at least a year. Coincidentally, while looking for a band to cover in a feature for tomorrow (i.e. today), I came across White Nights. The band has an obvious Elephant 6 reference in the music the music they create; undoubtedly pop, the band has a clear guitar backed by a fuzzy lo-fi drum kit beat and fronted by fuzzy lo-fi vocals. A definite nod to Jeff Mangum. Read More »White Nights [Feature]

Boshus [Demo Reel]


One of the earliest music blogs I followed was IndiePages. Based in Seattle and with a hefty predilection toward twee and indie pop, my musical preferences meshed very well with that of Chris McFarlane. Following the site, I was introduced to many favorites from around the world. It was there I discovered Ivy League, which became the first ever FensePost feature (the band went on to change their name to This Is Ivy League prior to the release of their self-titled debut LP). I’ve covered several other bands first found on the site, including McFarlane’s very own Patience Please (a long-time favorite). The latest band to snag my attention is Boshus. Read More »Boshus [Demo Reel]

The Heligoats [Feature]


Bellingham by way of Chicago artist The Heligoats masters the power of pop songwriter sensibilities in their new album, Goodness Gracious (Greyday Records). The band is fronted by new Washington resident Chris Otepka, who wrote and recorded the band with Mike Mergenthaler, David James and Steven Mitchell. Collectively, they are The Heligoats, a band who blends folk and rock and pop for a sound that is familiar yet warm, somewhat contemporary but truly and honestly good. Read More »The Heligoats [Feature]

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