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Teen Daze Finally Tops An Early Favorite In “Morning Glory”

Teen Daze

Teen Daze

2015 marks five years since Teen Daze first debuted on the music scene with a four-song EP called Beach Dreams. In the years and countless releases (many of them digital singles) since, Teen Daze has flirted with several genres. Early on, Beach Dreams encompassed his style in a very descriptive way, while more recently Jamison (the band’s solo member) has found comfort in electronica. His latest release, Morning World, is a departure from the Lefse Records years back to his earlier roots.

Mellow and filled with instrumentation, Morning World presents Teen Daze as a more mature artist, progressing those early sounds well beyond 2010 while slipping in hints of his more recent electronic inspirations in songs like the title track.

Morning World was recorded with John Vanderslice in San Francisco, and in the album you hear a blend of sounds familiar to northern Cali and Jamison’s own northern end of the Pacific Northwest.

Aside from the album’s title track, high points tend to stray back to those early days. “It Starts At The Water” and “Good Night” are soft pop tracks much more in line with The American Analog Set than anything from Teen Daze’s prior work. “Pink”, though, is the standout track, in my opinion, hearkening of the beloved Beach Dreams track “Let’s Fall Asleep Together” while encompassing a the best fuzzy guitar and hyperactive percussion you’ll hear from any prior Jamison release.

In “Pink” he finally did it: he released a song better than “Let’s Fall Asleep Together”

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