Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band is back with their first new material since their 2010 sophomore LP, Where The Messengers Meet. “Warm Body” is off the new MSHVB EP, due out on Dead Oceans in the near future. The track is on the softer side of what we’ve heard from this Seattle band, but it remains as tight and composed as their existing library or work.
I still long for tracks like the pleasantly erratic “Albatross” and the indubitably catchy “Cheer For Fate” off the band’s self-titled debut. Those songs have an energy that has cemented them into indie greatness since that albums 2009 release.
“Warm Body”, then, is completely different. It’s quieter for one, with a soft guitar and vocalist Benjamin Verdoes cooing I’m just a warm bodied man / But I love you. It doesn’t reach those levels of excitement and energy I so cherish from the early Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band stuff.
But it doesn’t have to; it’s introspective, honest, and, as is, it works very well.
Download: “Warm Body” by Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band
[audio:120401-mshvb-warm-body.mp3|titles=Warm Body|artists=Mt. St. Helens Vietnam Band]