Written by Fense
Alan Cohen Experience came to me about a year ago when I was sent the group’s debut LP. Now they’ve got a new EP and a little political ditty. So, it’s fitting that this feature goes up today, November 4, the day we will vote a new man into office. Along with Cohen, I sure hope Obama is the man the country chooses. So, before I go any further, let me say this: if you’re in the states, please go vote (I can only hope you’ll vote for Obama, but even if you’re an McCain supporter — or even an Nader supporter — it’s your duty).
To be honest, Revolutions, the debut by Alan Cohen Experience, didn’t really catch my interest. But he’s got a new one — a self-titled EP — that begins with an awkwardly catchy tune called “Elephant”. Cohen sings monotonously with a robotic accent: All’s quiet on the waterfront, just me and my elephant (the second e is pronounced long, giving it somewhat of a Devo-ish-minus-the-synths feel). The rest of the EP is just as much of a delight, like “Roy’s Rock”. Cohen often injects a humorous edge into his music, which is distinctly pop.
And that’s also what you find in “The Obama Groove”. You’ll see cameos by all the notable politicians… W Bush, Clinton and his sax, Obama and his wife. Most dance along with Cohen. If anything, it’s amusing…
Oh yeah, and that self titled release is out today!
Alan Cohen Experience: Elephant [mp3]
[audio:1104_alan_cohen_experience_-_elephant.mp3|titles=Elephant|artists=Alan Cohen Experience]
How the shit did I miss this one? Wonderful stuff. I remember asking you about doing a piece on Maddy Wyatt and her single “Man For Me (Ode to Barack)” and worried you might have been a McCain supporter. Guess I should have done my homework. Awe, good times!