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the dutchess and the duke

Arrested Development

Fense’s Radio Show: May 17, 2013

The past week saw several notable artists — many ranking among my favorites — release new tracks. Camera Obscura distributed a new track off their forthcoming album Desire Lines, Typhoon gave us a stellar digital single, and we heard a new track off the upcoming album from The Moondoggies. On top of that, I continued the show with recent tracks off new or just released records including those by Scout Niblett, The Mantles, Phosphorescent and Club 8.

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best albums of 2009

FensePost Top 50: The Best Albums of 2009

2009 is a tough year to judge. I’ve checked out more albums this year than any year in the past. Well over 1,000. And there have been quite a few great ones as well. When this list began, it had 110 albums. I abandoned my top 33 and 1/3 for 45, and then said “screw it” and upped the number to an even 50. These are the top notch albums of the year, all worthy of praise.

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Best Albums of 2008

A Retrospective Top 33 and 1/3: Best Albums of 2008

When I compiled my original Best Of 2008 list last December, it was a snow day. The sky dropped about a foot, maybe a foot and a half of fluffy white stuff and we lowly sub-compact drivers could go nowhere. Between ranking albums and locating album art, I took a stroll around town with my camera. The above image comes from that trek. Overall, I was pretty happy with last year’s list but, in revisiting all the albums from 2008, I now see quite a few that I left out.

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the dutchess and the duke sunset sunrise cover art

The Dutchess And The Duke: Sunset / Sunrise [Album Review]

In their somewhat self-titled debut, She’s The Dutchess, He’s The Duke, The Dutchess And The Duke popularized their lo-fi psychedelic folk with epic tracks like “Reservoir Park” and “I Am Just A Ghost”. With romantically-tinged dual male/female vocals, the duo of Jesse Lortz and Kimberly Morrison reverted to a sound that hinted at another time, one strife with protest and objection to the powers that were, at the time, seen as opposed to the greater good. In that, The Dutchess And The Duke were debuting at a very similar time mentally, and while their sophomore release Sunset / Sunrise may have lost some of the politics, it has gained elsewhere.

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the Dutchess and the Duke

The Dutchess And The Duke: She’s The Dutchess And He’s The Duke [Album Review]

The Dutchess is Kimberly Morrison and the Duke is Jesse Lortz. The two have been playing together for years, but it wasn’t until they struck out on their own in The Dutchess And The Duke that their creative music abilities came full circle. She’s The Dutchess And He’s The Duke is an album mixing lo-fi folk elements (but not too much so) with 70s folk melodies.

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