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breathe owl breathe

Kishi Bashi Christmas Flexi Disc

Fense’s Radio Show: It’s An Indie Christmas

Each year I shun Christmas music like it’s the plague. It begins too early, is far too repetitive, and, quite frankly, is a bit boring. That is, until this year. It began with “The Week Between”, a new track off One Christmas at a Time, an LP that finds Jonathan Coulton and John Roderick (The Long Winters) collaborating for a full album of original Christmas music.

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Fense’s Radio Show: November 11, 2011

KSVR 91.7 FM Mount Vernon

I am becoming more and more confident in talking on the radio. I am slowly developing my voice — my on-air personality. There is still room for improvement; namely in the transition from Stuarto’s show to mine, but I’ll get there eventually. Last Friday’s show was centered around indie-folk again, with plenty of psychedelic folk, orchestral folk, and folk-pop as well. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: November 11, 2011

1968 BMW 1600

FensePost Top 33 and 1/3: The Best Albums of 2010

The problem with so-called best-of lists, is that they are really just a collection of items organized based on experience and time, in that there will be plenty of albums heard the following year and beyond that will hold just as much weight as these we dub as “Best.” So, as of right now, at this particular time in the tail end of 2010 and the first moments of 2011, these albums are the best. There’s no question about it; it will change. My next list (which I’ve started, but may take a while to publish) is dubbed, paraphrase: the best albums I didn’t check out in 2011 for some reason or another.

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Breathe Owl Breathe: Own Stunts [Video]


Breathe Owl Breathe is Micah Middaugh, Trevor Hobbs, and Andréa Moreno-Beals. Together they live in a cabin in rural Michigan, which means it must be getting pretty cold there this time of year; poised to just get colder. Their new album is called Magic Central and it’s a righteous title as the album is quite magical. But perhaps a better descriptor is unexpected. Read More »Breathe Owl Breathe: Own Stunts [Video]

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