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Lowlakes: Cold Company (Video)


Upon first hearing “Buffalo” off Lowlakes debut, self-titled EP, I had to look up information about the band. I had to double check that the vocalist wasn’t Antony Hegarty. Of course it isn’t; but the vocals of Thomas Snowdon fronting this Melbourne-based band have a similar fragility and emotiveness to them.

In anticipation of their forthcoming debut full-length, out early next year, Lowlakes are releasing a new single called “Cold Company” and a corresponding video.

Featuring a green haze overshadowing Snowdon singing gently and a sparkling-clad individual dancing wildly to the beats backing the song, “Cold Company” is a standout performance related to a brief but albeit already stunning collection of songs.

Beyond the word cold in the title of this song, and the words breeze and arctic in tracks off Lowlakes EP, Lowlakes have the ability to bring warmth to the chill yet can also make the heat shiver in their music. If you listen hard, you can feel it in each of their songs.

Check out the video for “Cold Company” and listen to “Arctic House” below:

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