All my friends are in prison. All my friends are a prism. Pyramids have risen. Covered in the resin of love. So go the opening lines of “Pyramids of Love” by Ozarks. Sung by Robbie Augspurger, wearing a sweet moustache and a turtleneck, the video for “Pyramids of Love” conjures thoughts of 60s baroque pop mixed with modern influences such as Ryland Bouchard’s The Robot Ate Me.
I’m left a bit speechless. This is surely awesome; the karaoke-like nature of Augspurger singing into the microphone, the mysterious black glove-clad musicians performing the song, the playful keyboard notes that seem oh-so-cool. I just love it! (I also love the band’s related project Wolf Choir’s video of spinning pizza.)
“Pyramids of Love” is off Ozarks’ debut self-titled LP, due out in July on Wil-Ru Records. Grab the mp3 and watch the video for “Pyramids of Love” below, and keep an eye out for Ozarks… coming soon, but not soon enough!
Download: “Pyramids of Love” by Ozarks
[audio:120525-ozarks-pyramids-of-love.mp3|titles=Pyramids of Love|artists=Ozarks]
Where can I find the entire lyrics for “Pyramids of Love”
Del, I honestly do not know other than transcribing them yourself.
I just pulled out the LP (I bought it on vinyl) hoping that there was a lyrics sheet within, but there is not.
What I did discover is that it came with a 7″ of Pyramids of Love too — and I had no clue!