On Friday, I received a nice little package in the mail by Funny/Not Funny Records containing three 7-inch singles. As it’s been a very long time since I’ve done a Cover Art piece, and with our nice new bamboo floor, I figured now was the time to reinstate that section on FensePost. All three are super limited pressings of 300 each.
The Demon Beat / Elephant Child Split
The first up is The Demon Beat split with Elephant Child. The Demon Beat is trio Adam Meisterhans, Jordan Hudkins, Tucker Riggleman from West Virginia, and their sound is full, loud rock with wild, pseudo-screamy vocals. “Teenage Wasteland” and “Change The Subject” make up their side of the record.
Funny/Not Funny notes on their Elephant Child band page that this might be how the lovechild between Nirvana and The Velvet Underground would sound. Whether or not I find this true (I haven’t given it much thought) is beside the point; what matters is “Under The Bridge Pt. 2”, the only Elephant Child contribution to the single, is an easy favorite among many from this group of singles. EC is from F/NF’s hometown of Harrisonburg, VA.
The Diamond Center: California/Bells
“California” on the A-side and “Bells” on the B. The Diamond Center is a lot dreamier a band than the others that arrived via this package. The band centers around core duo Kyle Harris and Brandi Price, and currently includes Lindsay Phillips, Tim Falen with assistance by Will Godwin. They’ve been together since 2007, releasing psychedelic dreamstate tracks like the two found here.
The Cinnamon Band: Black Love/Tough Love
John Harouff and Neil Campbell are the guitar/drums duo The Cinnamon Band. And while their name may reminisce of an indiepop/twee heyday, that is not necessarily what you’ll find when the needle hits wax. It’s pop, but it’s stripped-down, raw but lightly produced, and filled with a southern-tinged style of vocals set to harmony. The two tracks here are lost in nostalgia and heartbreak; it may take a moment for them to sink in, but when they do, you just get it.