To me, being an indie music fan is all about being an explorer, discovering new and untapped realms of audio heaven. One of my favorite things to experience is to stumble upon something astonishing in all its brilliance. An artist I didn’t know. An album that blows my mind. Or a single song that simply appears out of nowhere. I have no clue how Siskiyou‘s “Always Awake” found its way onto my laptop, but boy am I glad it did.
Siskiyou creates music that is dreamy and laden with soft guitars, soft percussion, and mesmerizing vocals. “Always Awake” was a commissioned piece for Canadian painter Tom Thomson. Listen below and grab it officially over at Constellation Records.
Listen: “Always Awake” by Siskiyou
[audio:111206-siskiyou-always-awake.mp3|titles=Always Awake|artists=Siskiyou]