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Portugal. The Man: So American (Video)

Portugal. The Man

Nothing says America like Corona bottle juggling and swigs of Maker’s Mark being taken directly from the bottle.  Trips to the beach, poorly trimmed beards, and an overall don’t-give-a-damn attitude, mixed with a wonderment for what the morrow might bring.  Yep, these subjects can pretty much sum up the feeling of ease we Americans sometimes unjustly feel.  The fact that they also happen to be the subject matter for Portugal. The Man‘s latest video “So American” are not coincidental.  They are as intentional as war strikes and peace signs.  Once again, these Alaskan bred warriors bring a visual demonstration that perfectly compliments the power of their music.

Arguably their first full fledged single from their latest release In The Mountain, In The Cloud, “So American” has a great classic rock meets indie madness sort of feel.  “There’s two eyes for every one of us, but somebody got there first and took them all” is more than just an ironical expression excerpted from this wonderful single.  It is a direct and superior example of true blood Americanism.  Sometimes we just don’t see things the way we should.  But thankfully we have a merry band of indie rockers like Portugal. The Man around to help us see through hipstimatic lenses what we at times down right refuse to see or believe.  And it only took a few grilled burgers and drained PBR cans for us to see the truth.  Thank goodness for these randy gentlemen!

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