Summer is a time for fun, basking the sun, and enjoying good company. It’s winter, when things get quiet, that reflecting on the past and what’s to come is supposed to take place. Yet for the past few months Andi and I have been reflecting on society, life, and what it truly means to be happy. And we have decided to downsize tremendously to achieve our goals of a less burdened life; less burdened by things, stuff, and debt.
We are going to build our very own tiny house (this link will allow you to see the plans we will purchase in the next week or so, though we will design our own interior; also, the above image is courtesy these folks).
The reason I am posting this here is because over the next year or so there will likely be days vacant of posts, days where I am too spent from building to write. I hope to counter this vacancy with sharing more on Facebook, so head over and “Like” our page. And I’ll drop in the occasional update.
Do know, dear reader, that this does not mean I am abandoning you. It just means that there may be times where I simply haven’t had a chance to explore the many emails that arrive in my inbox or albums I get in the mail, or that I haven’t had a chance to put thoughts onto the digital page.
That being said, I am super excited to get this project started and that you’ll follow me over to my build blog (to be determined / coming soon). I hope that this project will inspire you. I hope that you will continue enjoying FensePost and I apologize in advance if it appears I am not as loyal to my followers as you are to me.
Thanks, and keep reading!
That’s seriously cool. Living tiny sounds really fun – we were talking two summers ago about trying to figure out how to cram our family of four into one of these:
Do let us know how it’s going, & best of luck living tiny!
Thanks Ralph! Yurts are pretty cool too. We’re quite excited about the project and may actually get the plans this weekend.
For more things related to this project and the following, you can check our Tiny House blog out over at
this is what we should all do to conquer freedom – Andy – if you can make it to Europe – we’ll invite you to camp at our land right beside the ocean! <3 Jeanne
Thanks Jeanne! What a treat that would be! One of these days I may have to take you up on that offer…