Yesterday we covered a new track from Portland folk outfit Death Songs called “Wounds” off the new PDX Pop Now! compilation. We talked a little bit about the band and the song, and had a few words to say about the organization as well. That wasn’t enough; it’s high time I let slip a little something — we here at FensePost have been quiet supporters of the Portland festival.
Visit the music room in my house and you’ll see several from the compilation series, dating all the way back to 2005.
The annual festival and double-disc compilation are back in 2011 and Death Songs in only one of many, many local Portland artists to participate. This year boasts great underground artists and bands like Alan Singley; The Ascetic Junkies (a favorite of our very own Ron Trembath); Blue Skies For Black Hearts; Drew Grow; Jared Mees; Langhorne Slim; Point Juncture, WA; Viva Voce; and The Woodlands.
The compilation, available here, totals 41 artists.
Then there’s the festival itself, which runs July 22 to 24 at Refuge PDX, located at 116 SE Yamhill St. The festival includes performances from many of the artists in this year’s comp and more, including Loch Lomond and Weinland. Were I to go, the act I’d be most excited about, however, is Port St. Willow, who’s album Even//Wasteland we covered earlier this year.
Grab “Wounds” by Death Songs below, which we debuted yesterday, and grab a few other tracks from the comp, and don’t forget to pick up the album and check out the festival this weekend in PDX.
Download: “Wounds” by Death Songs
[audio:|titles=Wounds|artists=Death Songs]
Download: “Cold Feet” by Lost Lander
[audio:110721-lost-lander-cold-feet.mp3|titles=Cold Feet|artists=Lost Lander]
Download: “Needle Doll” by The Minders
[audio:110721-the-minders-needle-doll.mp3|titles=Needle Doll|artists=The Minders]
Download: “Majoring In The Arts” by Blue Skies For Black Hearts
[audio:110721-blue-skies-for-black-hearts-majoring-in-the-arts.mp3|titles=Majoring In The Arts|artists=Blue Skies For Black Hearts]
Download: “The Trend” by The Angry Orts
[audio:110721-the-angry-orts-the-trend.mp3|titles=The Trend|artists=The Angry Orts]