Of the two videos I’ve covered by director Chris Ewing, both have featured multi-media of sorts; he does it again with “Stupidland” by Family Of The Year, a folk-pop band from Los Angeles. What makes this video so interesting is that it was shot on a still camera, one frame at a time. That’s an impressive feat.
Now, when I say multi-media, I don’t mean that Ewing mixes in digitized elements or clay-mation or anything like that. Here it’s paper, used in a way that adds lyrics and impact and a variety of colors. The multi-media elements Ewing adds create interesting worlds, worlds you’d associate with cinematic directors like Michel Gondry.
“Stupidland” is off Family Of The Year’s debut LP, Songbook, available for download via the pay what you want digital model. They also have a new EP called Through The Trees. Both can be found on the band’s website.
Download: “Stupidland” by Family Of The Year
[audio:101123-family-of-the-year-stupidland.mp3|titles=Stupidland|artists=Family Of The Year]
Download: “Summer Girl” by Family Of The Year
[audio:101123-family-of-the-year-summer-girl.mp3|titles=Summer Girl|artists=Family Of The Year]
FAMILY OF THE YEAR: Stupidland from Christopher j Ewing on Vimeo.