Amongst the thousands of hipsters, anti-hipsters, and anti-anti-hipsters roaming around the City of Roses banging away at whatever obscure instrument they can grasp with a tall boy of PBR in their hand, two of the finest individuals to burst out from the scene might be that very scene’s polar opposites. The multitasking duo Hosannas are fully fledged artists who find their niche in making keyboard frenzied indie rock lullabies like those found on their latest record Together. It is not only their best work to date, it might very well be one of the finest independent albums to come spew from the gutters of P town.
Together does have one obvious highlight in its track list. There is no hiding the fact that “When We Were Young” is lyrically enriched bit of indie pop goodness and deserves total celebration. But you can’t deny the beauty of the calming hysteria that a track like “Hoping You Will” provides. Even further, “Multi-Chamber American Future” rides that line between obscurity and ridiculously wonderful. Hosannas have done what they do best: they created a batch of songs that drive through a multitude of sounds that are all as pleasant on the ears as they are creative.
There is a lot of unbeknownst fear in many listeners today when it comes to becoming engrossed in music that is just plain strange. At times it seems as though there are far more folks making these estranged tunes, than there are actually listening to it. Hosannas has successfully bridged that gap with their electronic indie pleasures; although they might stand alone on the bridge they built with their own captivating and unique style, we can always hope others might follow their lead.
Download: “When We Were Young” by Hosannas
[audio:101122-hosannas-when-we-were-young.mp3|titles=When We Were Young|artists=Hosannas]
Download: “Multi-Chamber American Future” by Hosannas
[audio:101122-hosannas-multi-chamber-american-future.mp3|titles=Multi-Chamber American Future|artists=Hosannas]
Tree Farm Records [CD, 2010]
1. Hoping That You Will
2. Be Careful
3. When We Were Young *
4. An Old Forgotten Tune
5. John Pilgrim
6. Multi-Chamber American Future
7. Tone Pony Crone Jonesin’
8. Open Your Doors
9. Hello Moon
10. The People I Know
we used to move to this beat… like it. Great blog, glad I ran across this!