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Sweater Girls: EP [7″ Review]

Sweater Girls

Sweater Girls are a new Los Angeles-based group and, according to Mike over at Happy Happy Birthday To Me, their debut 7″ single sold out solely based on word-of-mouth. Listening to the three songs tucked within, it’s easy to hear why — Sweater Girls produce outstanding indie pop music perfect for the HHBTM label, and perfect for everyone’s favorite musical consumption format… vinyl.

Sweater Girls isn’t an all-girl group, as the name might suggest (Joseph Teran is on lead guitar, backed by Allan Kingdom on bass), though they do include a few of the fairer gender. Rounding out the group are Jackie Hundza (percussion), Diana Barraza (guitar and vocals), and Tatiana Sanchez (keys).

Their music does fit the name, though. Lo-fi with bouncy rhythms and a hint of fuz, “Fingers Crossed” and “Haven’t Got A Clue” will have you longing for those early fall days when the cutoffs go back in the closet and snug knit cotton sweaters once again rule the wardrobe. EP is not a single in the traditional sense; rather, all three songs are A-Side worthy.

Whether they are named after a 1978 film whose plot surrounded a club formed by a group of teenage girls centered around preserving their virginity or not, who knows. What we do know is that Sweater Girls produce wholesome, lovable, argyle-obsessed, fun music.

Download: “Haven’t Got A Clue” by Sweater Girls
[audio:100617-sweater-girls-havent-got-a-clue.mp3|titles=Haven’t Got A Clue|artists=Sweater Girls]

Sweater Girls: EP

HHBTM [7″ Single, 2010]

1. Do The Sweater
2. Fingers Crossed
3. Haven’t Got A Clue

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