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Islands: No You Don’t [Video]


Of course Islands features Michael Cera in their video for “No You Don’t” off the band’s third record, Vapours. Dorky as usual, Cera is the perfect cast member for an Islands video, whose hyped-up pop finds the band returning (at least somewhat) to the days of Return To The Sea but with a heightened effort in the glam department. Nick Diamond is heading in a direction not unlike that of Kevin Barnes, albeit with more glitter, more beats, and less internal strife.

So the video’s theme, too, is no surprise: Cera goes on a bad drug trip, noted by Diamond’s vocals Coming down is such a pain and the various tribulations the leading man experiences throughout the “No You Don’t”. Diamond makes an appearance as well, becoming a hipster-y deity. The summation is simple. Perfection: achieved.

Islands: No You Don’t [mp3]
[audio:100121-islands-no-you-dont.mp3|titles=No You Don’t|artists=Islands]


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