I must say, I’m quite obsessed with a few select songs off Royal City‘s latest release, 1999-2004. Those tracks are 1) “Here Comes Success”, thanks to its eclectic guitar breakdown toward the end of the tune, and 2) “Bad Luck” due to a clever lead guitar riff. 1999-2004 is an album of rarities and b-sides collected over the tenure of this short-lived band.
While the band Royal City is no longer in existence, their music and their overall greatness lives on in these songs. “A Belly Was Made For Wine” and “Can’t You Hear Me Calling” show a slower, softer side of the band that comes close to the power in its opposite. All these songs make up an album that leads to a simple, painful realization: the desire for Royal City to reunite and make a comeback.
Royal City was recently featured on Cover Art, where you can see more photos like the one above and download another mp3 from the release.
Royal City: A Belly Was Made For Wine [mp3]
[audio:090617_royal_city_-_a_belly_was_made_for_wine.mp3|titles=A Belly Was Made For Wine|artists=Royal City]