You’d think it would be rare to come across an artist so endearing, yet it seems to happen on a regular basis. You connect with their music, the chord progressions and the instruments they use, the messages they convey in their lyrics. And they move you. Thus it is so with Geoff Hawryluk; “Come Autumn” must be one of my best discoveries of 2009.
Hawryluk’s “Come Autumn” can be found on his LP Eau, and is also the final track on The Hydeaway CD Newsletter: Issue #1 Winter 2009, a compilation of Edmonton artists in support of a local all-ages art space and venue. Clicking in at near seven and a half minutes, “Come Autumn” features an emotive tirade of heart-felt vocals backed by impressive percussion and clever instrumentation that hints toward oriental as the song concludes.
It demonstrates Hawryluk’s ability as an artist and a songwriter — “Come Autumn” easily challenges the best songs of last year, and does so with confidence and agility. If this style of songwriting continues, the name of Geoff Hawryluk will soon spread quickly south from his hometown of Edmonton, Alberta.
Before Eau came a tour EP simply titled …Just Call It Guitar which features pleasant acoustic melodies and a little side banter. Found below, “Theme From ‘Cubistique'” is off that EP, available for free download from Hawryluk’s website.
Geoff Hawryluk: Come Autumn [mp3]
[audio:090603_geoff_hawryluk_-_come_autumn.mp3|titles=Come Autumn|artists=Geoff Hawryluk]
Geoff Hawryluk: Theme From ‘Cubistique’ [mp3]
[audio:090603_geoff_hawryluk_-_theme_from_cubistique.mp3|titles=Theme From ‘Cubistique’|artists=Geoff Hawryluk]