“Sixteen & Pretty” may be my favorite song by Seattle indie-pop group Math & Physics Club. It is a soft ballad filled with jangle and some light strings. There is little I find sweeter than this song, featuring tambourine in the chorus and lyrics reminiscent of an innocent first kiss.
Following the trend of each song off Weekends Away, “Sixteen & Pretty” is a sure track for your next Summer Soundtrack Mix Tape or the next mix tape for that special someone.
“Sixteen & Pretty” is followed by the upbeat “Love, Again”, a summer love song with brushed percussion and a near Hawaiian-style luau jangle. “When We Get Famous” is the final and most pop-ridden track on the 4-song EP. Another pop gem, “Weekends Away” is another example that sad lyrics in pop songs are not always necessary.
Weekends Away is a unique EP. Spanning the childhood everyone wishes they had, the EP is filled with innocent joy and blissful naivety. I have never before heard such a happy set of nostalgic songs. In fact, I don’t believe a better set exists.
This review was originally published September 15, 2006 on the old version of FensePost. Above photo also by Fense.
Math And Physics Club: Weekends Away [mp3]
[audio:090322_math_and_physics_club_-_weekends_away.mp3|titles=Weekends Away|artists=Math And Physics Club]
Matinee Records [CDEP, 2005]
1. Weekends Away
2. Sixteen And Pretty
3. Love, Again
4. When We Get Famous