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Voxtrot: Trepanation Party [pReview]


In a surprise return, Voxtrot has resurfaced with their first single, “Trepanation Party”, in nearly two years. Ramesh Srivastava and company launched with The Start Of Something way back in the middle of this decade, and quickly built upon their humble beginnings with two full EPs and a self-titled full-length, and a slew of singles before and after and in the middle of it all. But then they disappeared completely, until now.

A two year absence. That’s a long time for a band that began, then dished out two dozen-plus tracks through nearly a dozen releases (singles included) in that same amount of time. And, in a way, it shows. “Trepanation Party” is a near complete transformation for the band, once known for immensely lovable indie-pop tunes. Where once jangle-filled guitar reined, it has now been replaced entirely by keys and synths. Then again, when they parted ways it wasn’t apparent whether the vacation was eternal or merely extended.

The main remnants include Srivastava’s skilled wordplay. He is an artist of words, a linguist, a poet. And it shows in his songwriting. Sure, I’m sad that my beloved jangle is gone, but Voxtrot is back and this new being they’ve morphed into is just as beloved as anything from the LP. Some may not be able to grasp the changes – as not everyone handles change well. But I for one am happy my much loved, much listened-to Voxtrot has returned.

Voxtrot: Trepanation Party [mp3]
[audio:090318_voxtrot_-_trepanation_party.mp3|titles=Trepanation Party|artists=Voxtrot]

Trepanation Party by Voxtrot

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