Written by Fense
Okay, something has changed chemically in my brain since the last time I listened to The Lolligags (MySpace). Either that, or this band has altered the way they write songs. To be honest – completely honest, bearing my soul here folks – I didn’t really care for The Lolligags’ EP from last year. There was a catchy song or two, but it failed to hold my interest. Well, that sad fate is no longer. Out of Perversity Join Hands is absolutely brilliant!
The Lolligags consist of two eclectic individuals. Their music is haunting, in the indie pop sense along the lines of, say, Belaire. Practically every tune on Out Of Perversity Join Hands is fit for a Halloween party. One is left with the thrill and excitement, the rush of energy and endorphins and adrenaline one gets when totally freaked out. It’s fit for a horror flick – not a lame one that leaves you bored; no, one like The Shining.
Part of what makes this album shine, if you can call it that, is the powerful synth lines that combine perfectly with the percussion. Add to that the perfectly spookish vocals of Dallion Lollihag (as their website dubs her), and the sound rounds into what can only be dubbed as deliciously evil pop. Titles like “Merry Go Round” and “Best Behavior” might not strike fear into the hearts of pop fans, but look at their successors: “All The Deer Daughters” and “Kitten, Come Over (Andy’s Blood Mix)”. Right damn spooky.
I’ve long vowed that not enough bands make this style of music. Finally, here’s a group I can confidently place next to Belaire’s self-titled LP and the Don’t They Know It’s Halloween Benefit EP. Yes, this is the music that you want to have haunt your dreams while you sleep, follow you down dark alleyways, and whisper to you from darkened corners and closets as you clutch the covers over your mouth in fright whilst attempting to return to slumber after being startled awake.
The Lolligags: Merry Go Round [mp3]
[audio:090204_the_lolligags_-_merry_go_round.mp3|titles=Merry Go Round|artists=The Lolligags]
HHBTM Records [CD, 2008]
1. Merry Go Round
2. Sister Lover
3. All The Deer Daughters
4. A Spanner In The Works
5. Best Behavior
6. Kitten, Come Over (Andy’s Blood Mix)
7. My Mascera (Ruby Isle Remix)