God, love is a crazy thing. It makes you do crazy things, have crazy feelings, and be… well… crazy. Distance only enhances the longing. Like right now — I really, really miss my girlfriend. It’s the knowledge that she’s there, laying in my bed in my condo without me, lonely just like me. Yet I cannot be there for her. It’s songs like “The Last Thing I Do” by Nedelle that exacerbate the whole situation.
I mean, Nedelle repeats throughout a large portion of the song: And I’m gonna get through / If it’s the last thing I do. How is not that the perfect line for being in somewhat of a long distance relationship, where the distance is just… JUST… long enough to be too much for a daily commute?
Nedelle’s softly plucked acoustic guitar again fits perfectly, her melodies backed lightly by a second acoustic guitar and her beautifully pleasant vocals. It’s enough to make you fall in love with that special someone all over again.
While Nedelle is from Oakland, “The Last Thing I Do” can be found on Australian label Lost And Lonesome Records.
Nedelle: The Last Thing I Do [mp3]
[audio:1217_nedelle_-_the_last_thing_i_do.mp3|titles=The Last Thing I Do|artists=Nedelle]