Written by Fense
I have something to say, and it’s not the alcohol speaking. This is me, bearing my heart, a little drunk on three glasses organic Syrah, but honest and pure and true. “Cease Desist” has to be one of the most under-appreciated songs around at this time. I mean, these guys should be huge! Listen to the guitar-work, the intricate notes and the harmonic, perfectly in-tune vocals. It’s beautiful.
So, I must admit, I know Josh LaMunyon of Roostymunyon. He’s the funky lookin’ dude at left in the image above. But, as most bad friends go, I haven’t talked to him in ages. I was is Resident Advisor in college; you know, that dorky redhead guy with glasses portrayed as a major dick in all feature films that mention life in the dorms (aka residence halls for those of you PC people out there). Yeah, that was me for three years… helped me pay for my undergrad.
I’d like to think I was the cool RA, you know… the Pauly Shore in Son In Law, but more than likely I was that weird guy playing bad songs on an acoustic guitar with the door shut.
Anyway, Roostymunyon just released unto the world three quite amazing Christmas songs, including “White Christmas”, “Happy Christmas”, and “Last Christmas”. And they’ve been generous enough to allow me to post one of them. And they’ve even handed over a pristine copy of “Cease Desist”, one of the most emotive and harmonic songs you’ll hear this decade. Check them out and love them. They deserve it.
Roostymunyon: Cease & Desist [mp3]
[audio:1215_roostymunyon_-_cease_and_desist.mp3|titles=Cease & Desist|artists=Roostymunyon]
Josh LaMunyon: White Christmas [mp3]
[audio:1215_josh_lamunyon_-_white_christmas.mp3|titles=White Christmas|artists=Josh LaMunyon]