I cannot believe I have never written about this band. Sure, the most recent release I have from them dates back to 2002, but c’mon! Mu Meson is one of those rare pop groups that throws together a gem EP and then disappears from the face of the earth.
Granted, they haven’t truly disappeared, I just haven’t heard from them since that EP. And, in visiting their website and MySpace page, I’ve learned they’ve gone the route of Weezer and have released color-named albums including Pink Album, Green Album, and Blue Album. Green and Blue were released in 2005, but I’m not completely sure about Pink.
As a band, Mu Meson fits an interesting mold that spans genres from time to time. Sometimes they’re synth heavy, like on “Let’s Do It On The Dance Floor†off Green Album, while other songs are an experimental jazzy pop (“At The Savoy†from Blue Album and most songs on Black Album), or full-on indie-pop (anything off 4-Song EP).
I first saw Mu Meson play in a residence hall with No-Fi Soul Rebellion way back in the early 2000s and I always wondered what happened to them—their music was unique to what I was familiar with back then and, bathed in a dark red lighting, I was intrigued. I picked up 4-Song EP and Black Album, the only two items they had available at the time, and that was it. I was hooked.
Hopefully some of you will come around to appreciate this band as much as I have over the past half-decade. “Girl” can be found on 4-Song EP and “Table Four” is off Black Album.
Mu Meson: Girl [mp3]
[audio:0923_mu_meson_-_girl.mp3|titles=Girl|artists=Mu Meson]
Mu Meson: Table Four [mp3]
[audio:0923_mu_meson_-_table_four.mp3|titles=Table Four|artists=Mu Meson]