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The L.E.D.s [Feature Band]

The L.E.D.s

Written by Fense

Take note: if you write one thing about a band in New Zealand, you’ll suddenly have to write several things. I was contacted by someone at eep! productions, who if you recall, produced the videos for both The Little Pictures and The Enright House, both of which I covered, here and here respectively.

Well, as it turns out, this guy from eep has a band too. They’re called The L.E.D.s (MySpace) and they, like The Little Pictures, fit the electro-pop subgenre. Unlike The Little Pictures, though, their sound is a bit fuller thanks to the band being double in size. Still, their songs are just as lovable; their sound may be upbeat, yet it’s masked with an eerie darkness I dig.

“Tide” is the single available for free public consumption and it can be found on their recent release Still. For those in the states, you’ll need to import this beauty from oversees, but all you NZ readers can pick it up in your home country… duh.

Either way, The L.E.D.s are good times.

The L.E.D.s: Tide [mp3]
[audio:0917_the_leds_-_tide.mp3|titles=Tide|artists=The L.E.D.s]

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