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Pinback: Feature


Pinback is… back. Rob Crow and Armistead Burwell Smith IV haven’t released a new record since 2007’s Autumn Of The Seraphs, so for the die-hard fan, this is quite the news. And upon hearing both “His Phase” and “Proceed To Memory” off the new LP, it’s clear that Pinback has stayed true to the unique sound for which they’re known. Read More »Pinback: Feature

Maserati [Feature]


Odd that this, Pyramid Of The Sun, is my first experience of the epic Maserati. It’s not with ignorance, too; their name has been uttered in my direction from many an enthusiast. Thus I do not feel competent in doing an album review, as I have no basis of comparison – and that is precisely what a long-time fan would want. So a brief feature, then. Pyramid Of The Sun is a masterful blend of wild guitar riffs, borderline electronica, and the intoxicating hint of psychedelia. And “Oaxaca” is the perfect example of all three. Read More »Maserati [Feature]

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