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proud simon

Proud Simon: Anchors Aweigh [Album Review]


Proud Simon’s Anchors Aweigh is the beautiful blend of harmonica driven pop music you find in the happy moments of life. It’s the paradox in the middle of the raging battlefield we call our regular everyday lives. In each of our lives, there is a story to be told. Some are simply more interesting than others. But, it also depends on how you tell it. If you use quick, energetic guitar slide work and a never ending sense of positivity through beautiful lyrics, than you might find your tales more interesting. It worked for these guys! Read More »Proud Simon: Anchors Aweigh [Album Review]

Proud Simon: Newspaper Boat [Video Review]

Proud Simon

Written by Fense

Proud Simon makes overtly accessible indie pop music. At least initially it’s clean, it’s smooth — contemporary almost — and it doesn’t push any boundaries. But as their recent release, Night Of Criminals continues past the first few tracks, they shed some of these elements. That being said, Proud Simon is definitely catchy and fun, as seen on their in-studio video for “Newspaper Boat”. Read More »Proud Simon: Newspaper Boat [Video Review]

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