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Today The Moon, Tomorrow The Sun: We Were Wild MP3

“We Were Wild” by Today The Moon, Tomorrow The Sun is a track like Arcade Fire’s “Wake Up”. It defies all you thought you knew about rock music, takes things in a completely different direction than expected — a direction much more anthemic and epic. Today The Moon, Tomorrow The Sun draws from an insurmountable realm of influence. Read More »Today The Moon, Tomorrow The Sun: We Were Wild MP3

Southerly: Youth (Album Review)


Some artists seem to prefer a sound that is constant, well structured, and predictable in the kindest sense. Krist Krueger, a.k.a. Southerly, is not one of these artists. But this is not to say that he is a frantic-minded artist hell bend on chaos, for he is actually quite the opposite. Krueger simply denies the crutch of conformity by offering up a hundred different tastes and feels of indie pop that he can squeeze into one album. And this is exactly what you will hear on his third release as Southerly, Youth. Read More »Southerly: Youth (Album Review)

The Heligoats [Feature]


Bellingham by way of Chicago artist The Heligoats masters the power of pop songwriter sensibilities in their new album, Goodness Gracious (Greyday Records). The band is fronted by new Washington resident Chris Otepka, who wrote and recorded the band with Mike Mergenthaler, David James and Steven Mitchell. Collectively, they are The Heligoats, a band who blends folk and rock and pop for a sound that is familiar yet warm, somewhat contemporary but truly and honestly good. Read More »The Heligoats [Feature]

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