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electric needle room

Electric Needle Room: The Presidents of the United States of America (Volume 1) [Album Review]


Did you know that George Washington was unable to have biological children because of a contraction of small pox in his youth? Or that Andrew Jackson once killed a man for insulting his wife? Do you really know absolutely anything about our 13th president Millard Fillmore? Well Matt Beat, a.k.a. Electric Needle Room, knows a lot. And he wants to tell you a little something about each of our first 15 presidents through 3-5 minute bedroom pop infused songs on The Presidents of the United States of America (Volume 1). Read More »Electric Needle Room: The Presidents of the United States of America (Volume 1) [Album Review]

Electric Needle Room: Safe, Effective, and Fun [Album Review]

Electric Needle Room

Over in the eastern region of Nebraska, obscurity has risen and is growing faster than the corn surrounding Omaha. Oberst is God, not Cobain. Saddle Creek, not Sub Pop, infatuates it’s residents. Yes, this the Midwest haven as well as (one of) the birthplace(s) of indie rock (minus King Elliot). And Electric Needle Room‘s Safe, Effective, and Fun embodies some of that eternal spirit from the land locked village full of talent they call home. Read More »Electric Needle Room: Safe, Effective, and Fun [Album Review]

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