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The Modern Skirts: Grammahawk [Album Review]

modern skirts

In the past, The Modern Skirts have proved themselves to be one of the finest piano-laced indie pop groups in the western hemisphere. But, to be so damn good really seems to come with a price. The dreaded pigeon-holing effect becomes a factor. And any real artist, or avid listener, knows that this could very well mean the death of wonderful musical acts. The Skirts blasted out of nowhere in 2005 with an album that everyone couldn’t stop loving. In 2008, they stepped their game up once again with one of the finest indie pop albums of last decade. They even managed to get one of their most popular tracks on the video game Rockband 2. So, is all this well earned respect a bad thing? One entire sitting with their latest album, Grammahawk, might very well proved the answer really is – Yes. And No! Read More »The Modern Skirts: Grammahawk [Album Review]

Modern Skirts: Happy 81 EP [Album Review]

Modern Skirts

After turning so many heads with their 2008 sophomore release, All Of Us In Our Night, as well as appearing on the video game Rock Band 2, some may wonder how the Athens pop/rock group Modern Skirts would return when that time eventually came. Could anything they do top the local and sub-sequential SXSW successes they have achieved? With the release of Happy 81 EP, the prequel to their upcoming full length album due this fall, some listeners might be a bit upset. But, the real fans are going to have their minds blown. Read More »Modern Skirts: Happy 81 EP [Album Review]

Modern Skirts: All Of Us In Our Night

Modern Skirts

Written by Ron Trembath

Listening to Modern Skirts (MySpace) is like listening to the soundtrack of your favorite film on the Sundance Channel. They really found a home on a recent tour with R.E.M. (who could have the same thing said about them, but more likely Starz!). And this listener-friendly band’s sophomore release, All Of Us In Our Night, is an almost cinematic delight. Read More »Modern Skirts: All Of Us In Our Night

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