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Oops: 10 Bands I Should Have Checked Out in 2009

You know that old saying about blinking — like, don’t blink or you’ll miss it, or time goes by in the blink of an eye or some cliche crap like that? Well, shocker: It’s true. Things move fast and now as I quickly encroach upon three decades of personal existence (mere months away at this time), it seems ever more prevalent a concept.

So I decided to take a brief look back at a few bands I should have checked out last year but didn’t for some reason or another; most likely because of a lack of time.

Here are 10 bands and albums I should have checked out in 2009… a few of which would have made my top 50 of 2009.

Read More »Oops: 10 Bands I Should Have Checked Out in 2009

The Mantles: The Mantles [Album Review]


Listening to The Mantles, I am having a difficult time discerning anything truly unique about this group’s sound. They fit the standard mold of a 60s garage-pop-influenced artist swung into modern times and set to 2009’s favorite: lo-fi fuzzed-out distortion. That in itself isn’t uncommon given the decades-old influence. Their melodies are a standard sort of catchy, not too hook-ridden yet not overly complacent. Read More »The Mantles: The Mantles [Album Review]

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