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stars in coma

Fense’s Radio Show: March 2, 2012

We’ve been doing up the floors in our house, stripping out the carpet, repainting the walls, painting the trim and doors, and laying down a rich brown woven bamboo (hence the lateness of this post and the general lack of posts this week). It’s a project that should add equity to our house and, one day, our pockets. I threw this playlist together Friday morning and set to work stripping carpet from the hallway while it played in the background. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: March 2, 2012

Stars In Coma: You’re Still Frozen In Time [Album Review]

Stars In Coma

When You’re Still Frozen In Time arrived in the mail, I got really excited—the group’s label was responsible for releasing one of my favorite indiepop albums last year, an album by Fireflies. Stars In Coma feature heavy synths and glam-like bits, but not quite to the level of Sweden’s The Ark; where The Ark is more rock driven, Stars In Coma makes glam pop. Read More »Stars In Coma: You’re Still Frozen In Time [Album Review]

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