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death vessel

Fense’s Radio Show: November 25, 2011

KSVR Studio

Being sick is terrible. I’ve been fighting something nasty since Tuesday. Luckily the worst was out of the way fast — after recording a 101 degree temperature Tuesday night, the fever subsided and I’ve slowly returned to a state that’s manageable. I was still a bit stuffed up on the 25th, but by 10pm all that was left was sniffling and the occasional cough — my regular voice was back. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: November 25, 2011

Best Albums of 2008

A Retrospective Top 33 and 1/3: Best Albums of 2008

When I compiled my original Best Of 2008 list last December, it was a snow day. The sky dropped about a foot, maybe a foot and a half of fluffy white stuff and we lowly sub-compact drivers could go nowhere. Between ranking albums and locating album art, I took a stroll around town with my camera. The above image comes from that trek. Overall, I was pretty happy with last year’s list but, in revisiting all the albums from 2008, I now see quite a few that I left out.

Read More »A Retrospective Top 33 and 1/3: Best Albums of 2008

Death Vessel: Circa [Video]

Death Vessel

Death Vessel was one of last year’s big surprises. Their release, Nothing Is Precious Enough For Us, was the debut post published on the new version of FensePost, which you currently read. And the album made it into the FensePost Top 33 and 1/3 Releases of 2008, achieving number 14 to be exact (although in retrospect, it should have hit 11 or 12). So, it comes with no surprise that I am excited to have another excuse to write about this band. Read More »Death Vessel: Circa [Video]

The Best Albums of 2008

Best of 2008: Fense’s Top 33 & 1/3 Albums of the Year

The year is over. We have a new president about to take office, a failing economy, and out of control weather. The good news is that last year saw some amazing albums hit and, thanks to the rampant oppression of hard times, next year should prove just as fruitful music-wise. After all, difficult times, depression, etc. can often breed above average achievements in the arts… right?

So here it is, my top 33 and 1/3 albums of the year and the last post of 2008. The 33 is for the top 33 albums (with a few EPs included) of the year, while the 1/3 is an honorable mention 7″ single. We’ll begin with the latter…

Read More »Best of 2008: Fense’s Top 33 & 1/3 Albums of the Year
Death Vessel Band

Death Vessel: Nothing Is Precious Enough For Us [Album Review]

In sitting down to review Nothing Is Precious Enough For Us, I was immediately stumped. Three listens later, I realized I would have an extremely difficult time reviewing the album, not because I didn’t want to and not because it wasn’t good–it most definitely is. I’d have a difficult time because it left me baffled. It’s that confounding!

Read More »Death Vessel: Nothing Is Precious Enough For Us [Album Review]
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