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Bubble Puppy

Bubble Puppy Band

Bubble Puppy was a psychedelic rock band from San Antonio, TX that formed in 1966. The name stemmed from “Centrifugal Bumble-puppy,” an obscure reference pulled from the 1932 novel Brave New World by Aldus Huxley.

They released their debut LP A Gathering of Promises in 1969, with “Hot Smoke & Sasafrass” achieving #14 in the Billboard Hot 100 and #15 on the Canadian RPM charts.

Sales of the album were poor, and the band ultimately parted ways with their label, International Artists, in 1970. The album has become a bit of a cult classic, and FensePost Editor Andy Fenstermaker considers it among the more underrated albums of the late 1960s.

1970 saw additional changes for Bubble Puppy. The band moved to Los Angeles and changed their name to Demian, another book reference. This time it was Hermann Hesse’s 1919 novel. Ultimately, the band split in 1972 after lacking to gain traction in the charts and butting up against financial challenges.

Below you’ll find a handful of posts, reviews, lists, and features on FensePost that include Bubble Puppy.

Amazing Vinyl Records in Terrible Condition

7 Records in Terrible Condition that Will Never Leave My Collection 

If you’ve been a record collector for any notable length of time, you’ll probably have a few albums in your collection of — well — questionable quality. I’m not talking about ones that are guilty pleasures, or ones that are a little embarrassing to admit you have in your collection. (Though I’m sure those exist as well, but that’s a subject for a future list…) I’m also not talking about ones where it’s just a flat out shity pressing. The terrible condition I’m talking about: the records that are truly beat to hell.

Read More »7 Records in Terrible Condition that Will Never Leave My Collection 
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