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Daniel Johnston

The Devil & Daniel Johnston [Film]

The life of Daniel Johnston is one of legend. Were this not a documented case, one would likely not believe it as true – the story would make a great movie (not just documentary) or book. In some ways, Daniel Johnston can be considered the Forrest Gump of the music industry, having gone from an unknown artist and musician to one of mythical fame; whose disabilities never overshadowed his genius.

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beach boys and satan

The Beach Boys And The Satan [Film Review]

In the song they slapped onto the Garden State soundtrack, Coldplay sung We live in a beautiful world repeatedly. But really, do we? Everything around us is subjective — science tells us that, when even the most noteworthy, respected theories, like the theory of gravity, remain just that… theories. Ethics are subjective — I was recently reading about the killing of a homosexual as not being a hate crime; something I find absolutely ridiculous. When some sound-minded person responded Why can’t we just accept people for who they are, another with contradictory views responded Sure, why don’t we just accept murderers because that’s what they do, and they went on to list a few other undesirables.

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