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Andy Fenstermaker

Andy Fenstermaker is a music lover, writer, marketing professional, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to sharing his passion for music with others. He is the founder of FensePost, a renowned music blog that has been sharing the latest and greatest in indie music since 2006. Andy has always been fascinated by the power of music to connect people, and he started FensePost with the aim of sharing his love of music with others. Andy developed a passion for music at a young age. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Andy grew up surrounded by a vibrant music scene that left an indelible mark on him. He attended Washington State University, where he studied Communication and Business. He holds a BA in Communication and a Masters in Business Administration.  After graduating, Andy started writing about music and created FensePost as the outlet. The blog has a strong focus on indie music, but also covers a range of other genres including folk, indie pop, psychedelic, garage rock, and experimental.  Andy and the blog relocated to the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in 2020.

Anthony Rochester: Music For In The Spaceship [Album Review]

Anthony Rochester

Written by Fense

Listening to Music For In The Spaceship, one is tempted to label Anthony Rochester (MySpace) as a standard folk-pop artist. The melodies are simple and clean and slightly contemporary. Music For In The Spaceship is extremely accessible. Rochester’s release was included in the latest batch of albums from Series Two Records, the Nebraska-based CD-R label that put out an impressive number of albums in ’08. Read More »Anthony Rochester: Music For In The Spaceship [Album Review]

Sexy Kids [Feature Band]

Sexy Kids

Written by Fense

Sexy Kids will likely bring a slew of undesirables to FensePost. After all, the term “Sexy Kids” can be taken in a very wrong direction. And the site did see a spike in the search term “Preteen” after we covered Oneida’s masterpiece Preteen Weaponry last year. But maybe these sickos will at least go out listening to good music… right? We can only hope. Read More »Sexy Kids [Feature Band]

Slaraffenland [Feature Band]


Written by Fense

In the realm of indie-pop there are few that stray beyond the comfort of the sub-genre’s homogenous nature. Virtually every artist that expands on the traditional elements of indie-pop does so by pulling from other genres like folk and psychedelic rock and prog. Slaraffenland is no exception. Read More »Slaraffenland [Feature Band]

Wintermitts: Heirloom [Album Review]


Written by Fense

It’s the first thing in the morning. I snored a bit last night and thus the girlfriend kicked me out — or rather, I offered to get up and hit the coffee shop early — so she could get a final hour and a half of sleep without my interruption. So I’m a little woozy and haven’t completely come around. I’ve already written two items and I feel they’re a bit bland in comparison to my usual excited self. I really hope this piece, on Heirloom by Wintermitts (MySpace), doesn’t turn out that way, because this group definitely deserves all the excitement they can get. Read More »Wintermitts: Heirloom [Album Review]

Efterklang: Cutting Ice To Snow [Video Feature]


Written by Fense

We’ve seen a slew of bands like this lately and I believe it’s a good thing. Groups like Sufjan Stevens, Anathallo, Sigur Ros, and Efterklang (MySpace) are all highly orchestrated and emphasize melody and musical prowess. Where your standard band can easily be self-taught, groups like this generally have a bit of training and thus the skill and output shows it. Read More »Efterklang: Cutting Ice To Snow [Video Feature]

Silence Is Sexy [Feature Band]

Silence Is Sexy

Written by Ron Trembath

The Netherlands have a secret that is rapidly being exposed. Silence is Sexy is an electric and gravity-defying group specializing in harmonies and the owners of an arsenal of alternative instrumentals. On This Ain’t Hollywood, the guys portray exactly what it means to use powerful lyrics to dramatize pulse pounding in the spirit of My Bloody Valentine. Read More »Silence Is Sexy [Feature Band]

The Atlantic Manor: On The Wrong Side Of A Saturday Night [Album Review]

Edison Barn

You might ask yourself: What does a snowy picture of a barn in the Pacific Northwest town of Edison have to do with a band called The Atlantic Manor? Feel free — it would be a viable question. Well, let me tell you. This is a pretty strange place for such a barn — one that would be suited for, say, Eastern Washington or on east to the Midwest. But then again, the image fits the music made by The Atlantic Manor, and I was struggling to dig something up (as I took this picture a few weeks back as part of my Going Nowhere: An Edison Snow Day series, I know I have the rights to the image and am entitled to use it when and how I please). Read More »The Atlantic Manor: On The Wrong Side Of A Saturday Night [Album Review]

The Zebras: New Ways Of Risking Our Lives [Album Review]

The Zebras from Australia

“A Day On Black Mountain Road” isn’t nearly as upbeat as some of The Zebras earlier work. At least, it doesn’t seem like it at first. It’s the chord progressions — they’re slightly darker. This is not necessarily a criticism rather than an objective side comment. It’s a small stray from the past that pops up elsewhere on New Ways Of Risking Our Lives, like on “Make It Stop”, giving their latest EP a unique edge to their catalog of material. Read More »The Zebras: New Ways Of Risking Our Lives [Album Review]

Scott Pinkmountain: The Full Sun [Album Review]

Scott Pinkmountain

Listening to Scott Pinkmountain for the first time, one is likely to think he is just another standard indie artist. This, however, will fade into awe around halfway through opening tune “Song Of Solomon”. There’s nothing standard about Pinkmountain’s music. It’s unique. It’s original. It’s damn good. Just listen to the horn and woodwinds opening track two, “I Shall Not Be Released”. Read More »Scott Pinkmountain: The Full Sun [Album Review]

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