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Home » Portland » WL: You’re Not Really Here

WL: You’re Not Really Here

WL (Portland Band)

WL (Portland Band)

I’ve become disenchanted with Washington in the Spring and Fall. I am of the disposition that when the rains return, it is time to hole up inside and hibernate. Unfortunately, in the Pacific Northwest, that time is most of the time. Rain pours — I crawl into bed and listen to its incessant patter on the roof above. I have a feeling WL knows what I’m talking about.

WL’s debut LP, Hold, is an album for the escapist; put it on and reality melts away. Things don’t seem as bad — or wet and dreary — with a subtle, drone-heavy rock album such as this playing. “Sugar Pill” is an instant favorite with a heavy and dark coma-inducing sound. Follow that with a track like “Ascension” and you’ll hear the dichotomy of this band.

WL is one part sleepy drone, one part thriving and anxious driving rock.

Closing track “You’re Not Really Here” is precisely what I look for on those dreaded rainy days. It’s soft and piano-laden, with wispy vocals and percussion that barely keeps things moving forward. It makes the Pacific Northwest a bit more bearable.

Check out “You’re Not Really Here” below and grab Hold from Prospect & Refuge.

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