Alan Cohen shook your world in 2008 with the ultimate ode to the then president-elect (Senator) Barack Obama with his intense dance track “The Obama Groove”. In 2009, he took us on a journey back in time with one of the greatest hippie rock albums since Country Joe & The Fish, the Experience’s EP Eat The Peace. So where should a guy go when politics have faded away into the popular culture oblivion? Well, how about THE oblivion. Or how about the entire solar system for that matter?
Cohen and his band of fun loving gypsies are out to set a new high in 2010. Garnering inspiration from the genius (literally) mind of Stephen Hawkings and his famous book, A Brief History of Time, has inspired Alan and his band to develop Space & Time (to be released August 31st), a sort of musical inspiration of one of the greatest group of words ever written about the theories (or facts) of the world that lies far beyond your elaborate living rooms and subtle coffee shops.
The track “Einstein” is, like most of Space & Time‘s playlist, a quick and awesome little ditty about precisely what the title says. Old Albert has made his way into the hearts and minds of the indie rock scene. Who would have thunk that one? Obviously, Alan Cohen found it to be a brilliant idea. And based off the catchy hook and mainline of captivating information that a track like this provides, he might not be as far from brilliance as Mr. Human Robot Hawkings himself with an idea like this.
“Einstein” is available as free download in the form of a digital single along with another cut from Space & Time, entitled “The Universe Is Expanding”, at the band’s website. Above photo by Seth Kroll.
Download: “Einstein” by Alan Cohen Experience
[audio:100621-alan-cohen-experience-einstein.mp3|titles=Einstein|artists=Alan Cohen Experience]